Back To Fraggle Rock

The other day I saw one of the funniest Robot Chicken sketches I have seen in awhile.  Fraggle Rock is rife with potential, and it seems strange that it took them this long to do something with them.  I also kind of scared myself when I remembered Wembley’s name.  It’s eerie how all that stuff from childhood is still stored in the brain, somewhere (Salacious Crumb). Enjoy.

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~ by Perpetual Memory Loss on September 29, 2008.

4 Responses to “Back To Fraggle Rock”

  1. hahaaha i used to always watch fraggle rock! i used to like the lil guys who build stuff all day

  2. Those would be the dozers.

  3. Damn, you would go far in a random trivia show.

  4. That video was lamer than shit. I forgot how much I dislike Robot Chicken.

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