We moved…

•November 6, 2008 • Leave a Comment

PML has moved to our own domain so this wordpress blog won’t be updated anymore, which means you need to go check out the new site and update all your bookmars, links, and readers.  Also I would appreciate it if everyone who has linked to my blog here on wordpress would update it to the new site.  Thanks a lot.  So what are you waiting for head on over to the New Digs.

The Day After

•November 5, 2008 • 6 Comments
Get the fuck out Bush!!

Get the fuck out Bush!!

I wanted to wait a bit and digest yesterdays events before I wrote up my feelings.  So first off unless you live in a cave you know that Obama won.  I’m exceedingly happy that he won, since he was who I was pulling for.  His campaign was the first campaign that I have ever been interested enough in to donate some of my not-really-hard-earned-skrilla.

I sat around for most of last night waiting and waiting for the results to come in, and hoping for the best.  Most of the tension came early in the day as once the results came in there wasn’t much drama.  McCain got trounced, and one of the main reasons was the Palin-monkey.  I could have handled a McCain administration sans Palin, but with her I would have been worried about McCain’s health 24/7.  In the hours after Obama was elected all I really felt was a bit of shock and tons of relief.  Relief that the election was finally over, and relief that Bush’s stank will soon be over.  I woke up this morning still tired but feeling much happier than I have in months.  I attribute this to knowing that Bush’s reign is almost over, and with it I feel like there is the light at the end of the tunnel in Iraq.  This war plagues my thoughts on a daily basis, and I spend so much energy thinking about the war, the deaths, the monetary costs; and then that transposes itself into my burning–like the duel Tattooine suns burning–hatred for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al.  On this one issue Obama gets no lee-way at fucking all.  I will give him the benefit of the doubt of a lot of issues, but on Iraq there is none, for me.  On all the other issues I will be patient, vigilant, and actively involved in making my views known to my representatives.  Obama will have my goodwill and full support, but I won’t give him a free pass.

Another outcome of last night is that finally being built up year after year the youth vote finally showed up.  We had a decisive effect on the election helping to tip the scale, and I think the better candidate won, but that remains to be seen.  Ask me in four years.  Even more encouraging was the fact that the voter turnout was higher than any election in the last century, as over 130 million people voted.  Some regions of the country saw up to 90% of their registered electorate vote.  Amazing numbers.

McCain last night gave in my view his best speech of the campaign, and it reminded me of why I wanted him to win in 2000.  The money quote:

I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our goodwill and earnest effort to find ways to come together, to find the necessary compromises, to bridge our differences and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited.

This was an important note for McCain to make especially since his rallies have been extremely angry and volitile lately.  Like John Wayne said after Kennedy won “I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president, and I hope he does a good job.”  Wise words for all of us to take to heart, and you can’t argue with The Duke.

Combine that speech with his appearance on SNL a few days earlier, and you have a couple of the best moments of the McCain campaign.  Unfortunately, I think he was swayed by the neo-cons on his staff and the religious right.  He sold his soul to the worst elements of his party and I think that if he had run a more moderate campaign like the old McCain, and if he would have picked a real VP, things could have been much different.

Obama’s speech last night wasn’t quite what I expected but it was a good, solid, conciliatory speech.  This was the quote that struck me:

And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world – our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.  To those who would tear this world down – we will defeat you.  To those who seek peace and security – we support you.  And to all those who have wondered if America’s beacon still burns as bright – tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, and unyielding hope.

Hopefully I can come off saying this without sounding like a groupie, but Obama winning is important.  The first minority president of a major western nation.  Where else could this happen.  Not many places, but we are the first, and I think that speaks volumes about our nation.  The only nation on Earth that wasn’t founded on race or ethnicity, but with an idea.  The idea that everyone is free, and that free people can govern themselves.  Some of the founders didn’t think that our republic would last 20 years let alone the 232 we have lasted.  It has been painful for me to watch the standing of our country fall precipitously over the last few years.  Watching the current administration conduct a war like two virgins fucking in the dark, learning about our government conducting torture in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, learning about the administration spying on innocent Americans without a warrant.  These types of injustices have been hard to watch, and have lost us all kinds of respect throughout the world.  With that loss of respect I’ve had to listen to all these wanna-be leaders around the world talk shit just because we are a bit down on our luck, and no one’s manning the helm.  Well last night the world got put on fucking notice.  America’s back bitches. Regardless of what you think of Obama, we all witnessed history last night.  I really feel that our founders would have been exceedingly proud of what happened last night, especially Alexander Hamilton.

Will Obama make everything alright, well shit no of course not, but we have done something, once again, that sets a benchmark for the rest of the world follow.  So if that allows me to gloat, and gives volume to my constant assertions that this is the best fucking country in the world, then so be it.  I don’t need the validation, but for a few months at least the rest of the world will have to again acknowledge that yes America is the shit.  No one knows how these next four years will work out, but I can say with certainty that it will be better than the last eight.  I hope that the republican party crawls out of the cave they have been in and take a good long hard look in the mirror.  They need to come home to the true principles of conservatism–limited government, individual rights, modest foreign policy, etc–because this country needs two parties.  We don’t need the neo-cons, we need real conservatives, because while I am hopeful about Obama, I am not hopeful about Pelosi and Reid.

I will continue to feel happy, hopeful, and relieved for the next 75 days until Bush gets the fuck out.  Then the real work of putting this country back together starts.  But until then I will sit back and celebrate the history made, and the fucking awesomeness of America.  Speaking of celebrating here is a video I got from The Daily Dish of a celebration going on here in the ‘fake’ America last night:

For me that was one of the worst aspects of the McCain campaign, and a slap in the face to everyone I know who doesn’t live in the ‘real’ America, but yet served their country honorably.  It’s not often that you see a group spontaneously break out into singing the American anthem.  I love that video, and it sends chills up my spine.  I wish I was there for that moment.  I have to say I truly, deeply love country, our flag, and our anthem.  Even though at times the Marine Corps was unbearable, if the need ever arose, I am still willing to die for my country and the ideals of our Constitution.

After that it will be time to get to work, because as the old saying goes politics is a contact sport not a spectator sport.  So I implore everyone to keep your enthusiasm up, stay in touch with your representatives, and let them know where you stand on the issues as they come up.  One last thing since I’m on the East Coast and it is relatively close by, I’m thinking of going to the inauguration this year.  If you are planning on going let me know.

Oh yeh…


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Election Day Fun

•November 4, 2008 • 4 Comments

Hopefully many of you have voted, or are getting ready to vote.  Either way here is a great video to help pass sometime until the results start coming in.  On a side note why does there always seem to be problems in Florida?  Get your act together Florida.  Stop being the poster-state for dysfunction.  Also why is it that Election Day isn’t a national holiday?  I don’t get that, and hopefully it is something that gets changed in the next few years.  Well enjoy the video.  Go Lando!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

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Vote Gawddammit!!

•November 4, 2008 • 12 Comments


Hey all you people out there need to go vote tomorrow–especially you 18-30 year olds.  Every year you bitches cop out, get all lazy, and stay home.  Don’t be fags.  Get the fuck out and vote tomorrow.  Do you people realize how lucky we are that we don’t have to do shit to vote.  We are born with the right to vote.  All throughout history people have been fighting for the right to vote, and we live in a time where we get it as a birthright.  This is one of the most important things you can do, so don’t fuck it up.

Also you women out there are getting pretty lazy too.  I mean how can you get disenfranchised when you have only had suffrage for 88 years.  Not even a whole century and yet I hear about so many women who don’t vote, and aren’t even registered.  Seriously if you don’t vote then you have no reason to complain for the next 4 years.  One more thing if you’re voting for Nader do yourself a favor and tie a millstone to your next and jump into a large body of water.  If you’re voting for McCain the election has been moved to November 11.  To find a polling station near you go here.

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•October 30, 2008 • 2 Comments

I want to relate a story to you all that really pissed me off the other day.  I was in class getting ready to be bored out of my mind, and I was talking to some of the other students.  We were talking about how we had to turn in our paper on Nov. 11th.  It struck me that Nov. 11th is Veterans Day, and I thought aloud,

“You mean we get Columbus Day off, but we have to come in on Veterans Day?”

Everyone nodded that my assertion was right, and I kept talking about how messed up it was that we get a day off for a guy who paved the way for the genocide of countless Native Americans, but we don’t get the day off in remembrance of the many Veterans who have died in defense of our Country.

Now about half way through this rant, my teacher walked in listened a bit, then said,

“So what’s the big deal that you have to come in that day?”

I re-explained my argument, and said that on Veterans Day I usually like to drink.  She informed me I could still get drunk after class.

“Of course that’s true,” I said “but usually I like to get up fairly early, and start drinking some whiskey whilst listening to Johnny Cash.”

Ok so she rolls her eyes and makes some backhanded comment about me and alcohol, and like the reformed person I am, I let the shit roll off my back.  Before class finished, however, she dropped a couple more demeaning comments, basically saying that I’m an out-of-control alcoholic.  I left class irked, and went home and killed some people (video game people that is).  I figured that would be that, but a couple days ago in class she made, unprovoked, a few more comments about me and drinking; as a bonus she also took a shot at my paper topic (video games), and made a crack about my writing style.

(What I don’t get is: how does me having a tradition of drinking on one particular day make me an alcoholic? if it did does that give someone the right to talk smack?  I’m just trying to figure out where the logic is in her assault on me.  I don’t get it, but back to the story.)

By that time my blood pressure was boiling, and I channeled my inner Bruce Banner and quelled the hulk that lies within.  I guess this is all part of me trying to be less confrontational, and all that shit, but goddamn I would really like to rail into this biotch.  The other problem is that she is the vindictive sort, and I know she would use her ‘power’ as a teacher to knock my grade down.  Right now I’m sporting a 3.97 GPA, and I would like to keep it there, and not have it knocked down on a technicality.  Now I’m not going to take this laying down, I’ve already rounded up a few troops, and most likely after the semester a few of us will make a complaint to the department.  Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I’m not the only one she talks down to.  I think this chic has major confidence issues or something.

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•October 30, 2008 • 2 Comments

Congratulations, to my buddy neverbesocial, and his wife, on the birth of their daughter.   They all came through the experience in good health, which is the most important thing, and their daughter is a real cutie to boot.  Get your shotgun ready, she will be dating before you know it.  Looking into my crystal ball I see a childhood full of Star Wars, video games, barbie?, and the Cubs (unfortunately being a Cubs fan will mean many sad Octobers).  Once again my heartfelt congratulations go out to the embiggened neverbesocial clan.


•October 26, 2008 • 1 Comment

I have been really busy lately, and especially this weekend working on some papers for school.  I will attempt to get back to a more regular blog posting schedule, hopefully, this week.  On another note, I have drank so much Rockstar this weekend I think my piss has gone nuclear.  So if you see a mushroom cloud in the NY area, don’t worry I am just taking a piss.

Watch Yourself, Son.

•October 24, 2008 • Leave a Comment

I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a few man-crushes.  One of my man-crushes is for Clint Eastwood.  I love all the old spaghetti westerns, the non-spaghetti westerns, and pretty much everything else he’s done.  Some of my all time fave’s are The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Hang ‘Em High, Unforgiven, and Dirty Harry–although if any his westerns are on I’ll watch them.  He has also directed some great, touching movies.  Last years Flags of Our Father’s and Letters From Iwo Jima were amazing, and some of his best, imo, work.  Now I’ll probably get around to seeing the Changeling even though I don’t like Jolie, but this December is the movie that I’m excited for.  It’s called Gran Torino, and it looks fucking wicked.  Check out the trailer below or if you really want to get the full experience check it out on Quicktime HD.

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Adventures & Stuff

•October 23, 2008 • 6 Comments

Over the last two days I have been engaged in an epic struggle for life and limb.  In the course of two days my kids have been take by Child Protective Services–because I murdered my wife, how lame–my other two wives have divorced me, and taken my kids, and I have finally and fully capitulated to the dark impulses that have haunted me.   I know that I have ostracized friends and family, but I don’t care because I am now a person with one singular purpose, evil.  I want to spread pain and terror to as many people as I can.  I care not for the living or the dead, the young or old, guilty or innocent.  I am a killing machine that’s murders unflinchingly and in my wake I leave death and despair.  I am the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse.

I am, Continue reading ‘Adventures & Stuff’

What If??

•October 23, 2008 • Leave a Comment

What if John McCain’s campaign ads, instead of being lame and toxic, were instead made by John Woo, Kevin Smith, and Wes Anderson.  Well wonder no more.

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