Fucking Hippies

I hate hippies, and I think I always have.  The beginnings of my hatred, I’m sure, go back to my younger days when my pops told me stories about when he came back from Vietnam, and when he landed in the San Francisco airport he was called a “baby killer” among other things.  Then there was the Iraq War and all the crap that came about with that.  This story is old, back before I had this blog, but when I was stumbling around on Comedy Central I saw this, and decided to post a little bit about this topic.

The background is that Berkeley City Council and Code Pink were picketing the US Marines in Berkeley and telling them to get out of their town.  Read more here.  The funny thing is that I agree with some of the same things as these hippies, I just don’t like the way they go about it.  They are the flip side to the extreme hawks that we see around this country.  Both are wrong, and generally like everything, the middle road is usually the best course of action.  Also I just don’t like dirty, smelly, pot smoking hobos who don’t believe in anything but free love.  They also have a ridiculous, and unrealistic vision of the world.

I’d like to finish this unorganized rant with a quote:

There it is folks, we’re sitting here fighting for your freedoms.  You got the right to say what you want, we got the right to punch you in your fucking mouth if we disagree.

Ok this is a clip from the Daily Show of Rob Riggle, who is a Marine and an Iraq War veteran, interviewing some of these hippies.

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Here is another clip just because I can’t resist to interject a little Cartman hatred anytime I can.

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Semper Fi bitches.

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~ by Perpetual Memory Loss on August 25, 2008.

One Response to “Fucking Hippies”

  1. i was born in 68 when all of you were over there fighting for our freedom. But i will be the first to say I HAVE THE UPMOST RESPECT

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